InfoAssistant OTC

Strategic Planning and Public Communication


Information that fosters mutual understanding matters.
This is how puzzles are solved and insights emerge, for the benefit of all.

Building Online Business Discussion

Not just words.  It’s more than that.

It’s engagement.  It’s trust.  Stock message boards today are powerhouses of talk about public corporations.  Your company’s online presence can benefit from authentic discussion, fostered by informed, accurate information to fill the vacuum of speculation, rumor or even personal agendas.   You, the CEO can’t do that. You are too close to it to be objective. You are too busy to be distracted by it.  You are too vulnerable to the effect of personalities in an active, human environment.

InfoAssistant cares about your shareholders and your company both.  We foster discussion by retaining a professional decorum and focusing on facts.  Your shareholders will appreciate an additional voice delivering an objective perspective targeting understanding in place of conflict or hype.

Strategic Advice

It can be helpful for an OTC CEO to think aloud with a benevolent observer.

Communication Planning

Feel pressured to issue releases for their own sake?  It’s not always wise.

Safe And Secure

The paradox of confidentiality in a public company.  We understand.

An OTC CEO can be alone in a busy space

An intricate arrangement of elements make up the foundation of your public presence.  Shareholder talk is always occurring now.  Have you arranged the elements so that information is coherent, connected and communicates authentically?
We understand.


There are three primary categories of assistance.
Strategy Development, Design and Financing Assistance.

Public Disclosure

By far the most important resource in the world for an OTC Market (Over the Counter) CEO is effective public disclosure.


  • Listening!  Yes, this is the first step to understanding
  • Posting on behalf of the company
  • Drawing attention to salient facts
  • Pointing out to shareholders the available resources
  • Clarifying misunderstandings, improving tone
  • Providing management’s perspective
  • Remaining professional and earning goodwill

Content Development & Design

Much is communicated by words, especially today.  Good content development goes a long way.  Additionally,  materials supported by graphic elements foster improved comprehension.


  • Reformatting filings for clarity and appeal
  • Creation and maintenance of CEO Blog & other tools
  • Investor landing page web design
  • Corporate website design
  • Content development
  • Strategic advice about market positioning


It is usually the case that companies who are communicating new projects or new goals can benefit from new capital.  InfoAssistantOTC has established connections to select, qualified, flexible financing experts with a special interest in the OTC marketplace.


  • Reviewing Regulation A (and other) eligibility
  • Creation of qualifying business plans
  • Strategic guidance for transactional structure
  • Presentation materials
  • Continuous updating through reporting
  • Joint Venture assistance

Frequently Asked Questions

We can anticipate the most common questions, below.
We are pleased to answer and discuss any further questions that you may have.

Pricing for Strategic Development?

Pricing for strategic development, including public communication, is less than conventional promotion activity, yet includes  substantial original content generation, regularly, proactively and insightfully.  It is the best value by far in the investor relations cost equation.  No stock compensation is involved.  We review your public filings and confer with you to start fixing misunderstandings, based on the facts, immediately

Pricing for design assignments?

Quotation to be provided on a case-by-case basis for maximum accuracy and satisfaction.  Designs are tailored to your company’s image and include content creation, based on briefing materials. This is the huge hidden value component in the equation: content. Don’t under-estimate the impact of a fresh, intelligent  perspective and a self-motivated content team.  The value for results in the total package is superb.  We will see to it.


We understand the immense need to protect the privacy of posters on message boards and the confidentiality of proprietary corporate information, both.  We have the discretion and experience to ensure that a company’s responsibilities under SEC Fair Disclosure Guidelines are respected.


The InfoAssistant OTC service is new.  Our references are available upon request with regard to our knowledge of the field, the quality of our character and the work ethic that will support our mission.  We can also point you to specific examples of past work.  We respect the privacy of clients, thus references are by prior consent.

Location of Service?

We provide service from North America.  We are not bots.  We are not a sales organization.  We are not stock promoters.  Instead, we are professional in tone, respectful of the interests of shareholders and management, both.  We foster a constructive atmosphere on the message board for the benefit of all. We can be relied upon to communicate in correct North American business language.


We do not provide investment advice, nor do we hold any trading accounts.  It is impossible for us to benefit from share price spikes.  We therefore are not financial industry personnel by applicable government regulations.  Instead, we are considered consulting professionals and disclose this fact where appropriate. This disclosure enhances the effectiveness of our work.  It is a reflection of your integrity.

How long does it take to begin?

Coherent action can begin within 48 hrs of the assignment, following a review of your company’s public facing materials or a review of your confidential needs.

Why Us, Not you?

What is the value of your time?  What is the value of your peace of mind?  By having support in this vital function, you free yourself practically, emotionally and legally to focus on your executive role.

Primary Areas of Concern

Effective strategic development respects stakeholders and the organizations that have a bearing on your life, your securities market place, social media and securities regulators.

Can you relate
to these


Their concerns are real.  We can help.

“I am so busy looking around for deals and getting stuff done that I don’t have the time or energy to even think about the message boards. Furthermore, they’re so negative anyway.  I’d rather just have nothing to do with them.”
Avoidance of Conflict.

“I became involved with OTC because I need to raise money for the business.  I am really good at our business and want to focus on it because that’s where I am most effective.   I don’t want to lose focus.”
Focus on Operations.

Reach Us

Drop us a confidential note to say hello.  Let us know how and when you would like to communicate, and we will discuss your needs.

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